Girl Scout Troop Workshops
*Although our studio space is closed, we are happy to set up a virtual class or an in person class at a different location!
Twisted Tree Yoga can help your Girl Scout Troop earn badges while learning about respect, fitness, positive body image and stress management. Workshops are offered at every age level. Our yoga workshops help children and teens discover the power within their own bodies, minds and hearts so that they can become the best that they can be! Learn yoga poses, games and relaxation techniques at our studio or off-site at your troop meeting! Meet badge requirements while building strength and having fun!
Cost: $10-$15 per participant
Time: By appointment
Class Length: 1 hour
*Off-site: Prices may vary depending on drive time/distance and necessary supplies
--All participants will have the opportunity to earn a provided yoga fun patch--
Some examples of the age level awards for Girl Scouts that can be worked on or completed with Twisted Tree Yoga Workshops:
Daisy Awards - Gloria (Purple) Petal: Respect Myself and Others
Brownie Journey Awards - It's Your World-Change It! My Best Self Badge
Junior Legacy Badge - Practice with Purpose Badge
Junior Journey Awards - It's Your World-Change It! Staying Fit Badge
Feel Free to choose one of these additional yoga themes or we can customize a yoga workshop for your troop's specific needs.
Strength/Brave/Self-Esteem/Cooperation/Healthy Body, mind, spirit - to explore the meaning of physical and inner strength, the strength of partnership and group cooperation.
Respecting Nature and Others "We Are One Earth and People" - to explore nature, ecosystems, animals, creatures and the connection to humanity.
Peace/Friendship/Compassion - to explore friendship, family and the circle of love.
Green Earth/Environment - How we can be more green and reduce our carbon footprint...reduce, reuse and recycle.
Focus and Balance - to explore the importance of concentration and balance physically and emotionally.
To plan your workshop or for more information, please email twisted.yogatree@gmail.com